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What would you rather have in the end? Consistent sex with a WOMAN you treat well or intermittent sex with OBJECTS you treat like crap? However, you have been doing choice B and , it's making you suck as a person. Frankly, I wonder what would happen to your attitude in case you tried living life without sex for a short time. I wonder if you were interacting with girls without MUST FIND SEX foremost on your mind, if you would start becoming a human again rather than a Saukville PUA asshole. But you'll discount this comment like all others so I really don't know why I bothered, except that I think that everyone on this site has tried to be polite (especially the women) and you have been a troll. What's the common denominator in all of your failures at a true connection with a female? YOU! Now, try to LEARN instead of burying your head in the stand. (Was that a Backpage Girl Saukville WI direct enough "strategy " for you? .

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