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The worst vacation of the year, Valentine's Day, is inevitably coming round the disgustingly pink-themed corner. This year, this stench of late-stage capitalism disguised as "the season of love" Backpage Blonde was tinted with the scent of computer science nerds from.Harvard. Somehow, this month got even worse. (No offense to other computer science nerds, however, or the rest of Harvard.) This thing called "Datamatch," which was originally available only at Harvard since 1994, could not contain its monstrous tentacles and spread to Brown, Wellesley, Columbia, and Barnard.Other Back Page Woman Seeking Man schools seemingly desired Datamatch's matchmaking services, but only these four "wooed their way to the top. Everyone else, sorry booboo. " Arrogant pricks. Very typical of Harvard. Why the hell did they even pick Columbia? (Don't answer that. It's a rhetorical question. .

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